
a blog about tildes

The Undefined Symbol

June 23, 2022 — ~mugman

I kept getting this error when trying to open apps like VS Code or Discord on my PC:

symbol lookup error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgdk-3.so.0: undefined symbol: wl_proxy_marshal_flags

For weeks, I just dealt with it using an LD_PRELOAD, without really investigating the problem much.


But today, I decided to dedicate an hour to fixing this, and fix it I did. I used this guide to find where some problems thought that the libwayland-client library should be, and it was at /usr/local/lib/. Fixing the problem was as easy as

sudo cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libwayland-* /usr/local/lib/

tags: ubuntu, linux, fixing-pc

I Broke this Blog and fixed it months later

May 26, 2022 — ~mugman

I somehow managed to chop off a bunch of random HTML tags from the index.html, specifically, the first 7 lines.

[Few Months Later]

Then I borrowed the first 7 lines from another tilde user's blog, and it worked

tags: website

Recovering a Ubuntu-based System from Kernel Panic after an Upgrade

November 03, 2021 — ~mugman

The Beginning

While I was away from home, my PC rebooted after a manually-initiated upgrade. I came back, and it had kernel-panicked. I scanned the error and noticed something about a config file somewhere, and I kept that in mind. I went to my laptop and downloaded a Ubuntu ISO and burned it onto a spare flash drive, and booted my PC off of it to debug.

The Fix

First, I ran fsck and other disk-recovery tools to make sure nothing imporant was harmed, and after about 30 minutes, the scans reported that all was okay. Sinxe that wasn't the problem, I went to the boot directory to inspect and check the kernel. I noticed that there were some extra files left over from an old kernel version, and I remembered the config error, so I decided to experiment. I moved the old kernel's files into another directory to see what would happen.

The End

I rebooted my PC from the main hard drive and, to my surprise, it fully booted. Everything was fine and okay.


From what I see about the kernel error and what I did to fix the system, my theory is that the boot process was reading the configs, but once it hit the config of the uninstalled kernel, it failed and exited because it couldn't find the kernel file. Once I deleted the old kernel's config files, the system did not look for it, and did not kernel panic.

tags: ubuntu, kernel, kernel-panic, linux

Neofetch on Tilde

November 03, 2021 — ~mugman

What it is

I have made a simple web version of Neofetch, just for Tilde. You can check it out here. It uses Python (as you probably could tell by the file extension) along with a locally downloaded version of neofetch.

How it was made

I chose Python due to some functions it has on files and other objects, making it easier for me to work with. I started by pulling the neofetch bash script from its GitHub page, and made a simple python script to grab the output and store it. Then I removed the color codes using python replace, awk, sed, and a few other tools. Once I tested it and it was ready, I split the logo from the other information, and put the information into a table. I used a <pre> to preserve whitespace.

[This blog may or may not be work in progress]

tags: tilde, website, neofetch


April 17, 2021 — ~mugman

Hello World

Testing this thing

Link Bold Something ~~Something~~ Code Block code

tags: testing