Google Dorks Scanner Tool

Hacking, Osint

Let’s use a easy-handy tool for pentesting a website and getting the required information in one key-press.

Supports Linux Distributions only.
Because its written in Shell Code, it runs even in Termux!!!

Step #1 Clone ‘ Fast-Google-Dorks-Scan ’ Repository and Change Directory (cd) to Fast-Google-Dorks-Scan

$ git clone $ cd Fast-Google-Dorks-Scan $ ls

Step #2 Set executable permissions ( +x or 777 ) to the file to make the google dorks finder runnable by system.

$ chmod +x

Step #3 Run the executable with website name with domain or also subdomain of which website you want to find google dorks of.

$ ./

Optional Step: If you want to save the google dorks report into a text file then run with the following command.

$ ./ > ethicalhackx_report.txt