Adventures with ssh, git and rofi scripts

Released: 2021-07-01

This day has been kinda tiresome, but also quite successful, I learned a ton of stuff, and I am happy for it.

The terminal is a place that I have enjoyed for months now, and I really like being on it. But there were a lot of things that I didn’t really do on a terminal, simply because I was already used to other ways. Like downloading files, or transferring it from a computer to my phone.

Since I joined a tilde, a public UNIX server that is accessed via ssh, I had to learn a few more things, or do them in different ways.

Getting familiar with ssh

I had been using ssh with my website’s git repo for a while now, in fact, I have my local repos all connected to GitHub via ssh, and I had had no problems with it. However, when I created my tilde account, I got access to tildegit.org, and I decided to give it a try!

Tildegit is a Gitea instance, and its pretty good. It allows me to export my GH repos with ease (at least the public ones), and I am considering to make it my primary Git service. But right now, I would like to keep both. But how am I supposed to do so? There is a “This repo is a mirror” checkmark, but I decided to make the sync from my local repo.

I read this gist guide and set up my git to push to both services, I also learned about the ssh config file, from this blog by Drew, so I setup my ssh config for something like this:

Host cafe
    Hostname tilde.cafe
    User chrono
    Identityfile ~/.ssh/cafe
    PubkeyAuthentication yes

Host tildegit
    Hostname tildegit.org
    Identityfile ~/.ssh/tildegit
    User git
    PubkeyAuthentication yes

Host github
    Hostname github.com
    Identityfile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
    User git
    PubkeyAuthentication yes

So, as far as I knew, everything should have worked, except it didn’t, the Tildegit ssh connection did not work. I could go on and on, but the trick was simple.

Running ssh -vT git@tildegit.org did not work, that command does some tests to try and login to the server, but its output was

git@tildegit.org: Permission denied (publickey).

Why wasn’t it picking up my tildegit key? I don’t know, but my repo’s git config had this:

# repo/.git/config
[remote "origin"]
    url = git@github.com:joelchrono12/joelchrono12.ml.git
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
    pushurl = git@tildegit.org:chrono/joelchrono12.ml.git
    pushurl = git@github.com:joelchrono12/joelchrono12.ml.git

So I tried something. My ~/ssh/config file names the Host as tildegit and nothing else. So I decided to run ssh -vT tildegit, and after typing my passphrase autotyping my passphrase with rofi-pass, this was the output.

Hi there, chrono! You've successfully authenticated with the key named tilde.cafe, but Gitea does not provide shell access.

And so, after countless useless commits and failed pushes, I got it, I just changed the pushurl to tildegit:username/repo and it all worked out fine! I did the same for GH.

Using ssh-agent

Its worth noting that all this time, I knew I could use the ssh-agent, but I didn’t really feel like it. I don’t think its bad, but for some reason it does not autostart on my system and while it would probably be easy to set it up, I use pass to store my passwords, and I decided to just use that and autotype it every time.

Some script fixing

Now, in my previous blog I mentioned that I started using Blop to produce a simple, more minimal mirror of this website on my tilde here. However, the script uses sed to change a bunch of stuff, and after reading it, I found a few things I could apply to my current rofi scripts, so I renewed it and made it better, I also removed some blank spaces that were getting added and caused some weird behavior, like having my HTML end with a dash like this-file-.html and other things.

Now it looks like this!

#! /bin/bash
title=$(rofi -l 0 -width 50 -p "Title:" -dmenu)
filen=$(echo $title | tr " ,.!" "-"| awk '{print tolower($0)}')
if [ -z $title ]; then
today=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
description=$(rofi -l 0 -width 60 -height 20 -p "Description:" -dmenu)
tags=$(rofi -l 0 -width 45 -p "Tags:" -dmenu)
while [ $num = 0 ]; do
    choice=$(echo -e "Edit file\nEdit title\nEdit description\nEdit tags\nCancel" | rofi -width 15 -l 5-p "Now?:" -dmenu)

    if [[ $choice = "Edit file" ]]; then
    touch $path/$filename.md
    echo -e "---\ntitle: $title\nheader: $title\ndescription: $description\ntags: $tags\npermalink: /blog/$filen/\nlayout: post\ndate: $today $(date +"%T") -0500\n">> $path/$filename.md
        alacritty -e nvim $path/$filename.md & disown
        #cp $path/$filename.md ~/Documents
    elif [[ $choice = "Edit title" ]]; then
        title=$(rofi -l 0 -width 50 -p "Title:" -dmenu)
    elif [[ $choice = "Edit description" ]]; then
        description=$(rofi -l 0 -width 60 -height 20 -p "Description:" -dmenu)
    elif [[ $choice = "Edit tags" ]]; then
        tags=$(rofi -l 0 -width 45 -p "Tags:" -dmenu)

The end

Remember all of the metadata is adapted to work with Jekyll, but it is easy to edit the script for whatever you need. I am using sed and tr to remove commas and dots from the filename, and to add dashes instead of spaces, it will duplicate some dashes sometimes, but that’s fine. In the end I managed to learn a bit more about how computers work and stuff like that.

Also, I am almost done with school, I did a couple more icons for the Arcticons icon pack, and I should be cleaning up my room today, I have visits soon and its quite a mess!

This is day 47 of #100DaysToOffload